FAISALABAD: The army should salute the Prime Minister and not handcuff him, said the Opposition Leader in National Assembly Chaudhry Nisar during his address to a large public gathering here at Dhobi Ghat on Sunday.
Addressing what looked like a Tehreek-e-Insaf style rally, Chaudhry Nisar said: "The army is our pride and we will happily accept hunger for our army if it sticks to its assigned role of defending the borders of the country."
He said he would respect ISI that defends the country and did not want ISI that micromanages politics.
Lashing out at Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan, the opposition leader said under the cricket rules, Imran Khan could break two sets of stumps with one ball. "But if the umpire was siding with you then you may be able to break not just one set of stumps with one ball but four at a time," he added.
He said Imran Khan should take the issue of asset declaration to the Supreme Court, claiming that Imran Khan himself was living in a palace in Islamabad worth Rs120 billion. He challenged Imran Khan to come to the Supreme Court to find out who is evading tax.
Addressing what looked like a Tehreek-e-Insaf style rally, Chaudhry Nisar said: "The army is our pride and we will happily accept hunger for our army if it sticks to its assigned role of defending the borders of the country."
He said he would respect ISI that defends the country and did not want ISI that micromanages politics.
Lashing out at Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan, the opposition leader said under the cricket rules, Imran Khan could break two sets of stumps with one ball. "But if the umpire was siding with you then you may be able to break not just one set of stumps with one ball but four at a time," he added.
He said Imran Khan should take the issue of asset declaration to the Supreme Court, claiming that Imran Khan himself was living in a palace in Islamabad worth Rs120 billion. He challenged Imran Khan to come to the Supreme Court to find out who is evading tax.
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